Zero Ventura Linostop with Adjuster

Popular and effective ropeline for many types of work at height. Keeps the rope tight, so effectively working in restraint technique. The Ventura linostop comes with a rope line, rope adjuster, integral shock absorber and snap hook connections. Having a shock absorber in the setup means that you are protected to fall arrest at all times. Certified to AS/NZS 1891.3:2007.


  • Easy to adjust as you work down the rope, travels freely up the rope.
  • Integrated shock absorber for safety protection.
  • 12mm Kernmantle static rope.
  • Excellent for roof work.
  • Required to be fixed to a secure anchor.
  • 15m, 20m and 30m linostops are available.


Code Linostop Length 
RVZ0RX3/150 15m
RVZ0RX3/200 20m
RVZ0RX3/300 30m